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Statistics about Trucking Accidents you need to Know

Over the decades our legal staff has seen hundreds of cases involving large semi-trucks.  In that time we have seen the devastation that these types of accidents can have on a family.  When it comes to trucking accidents, it is best to avoid them at all costs.  Below are some interesting facts about large truck accidents that you need to know.

Traffic accidents are a leading cause of death

It is predicted that by the year 2030, traffic accidents will be the fifth leading cause of death in the United States.  In 2014 over 3500 death was caused by a collision with a large truck or bus.  Of these tragic fatalities, 68 percent occurred in passenger vehicles, while another 15 percent were the result of an accident with a motorcycle or pedestrians.

Weight and longer stopping distance leads to accidents

Knowing more about what causes trucking accidents can help drivers avoid accidents in the future.  Of the many reasons a truck accident can occur, the huge size and weight of these vehicles is one of the leading causes.  The typical passenger vehicle weighs around 2.5 tons, while a tractor-trailer truck can weigh as much as 40 tons.  This creates a far longer stopping time as it takes more length to stop that much momentum.  In general, a vehicle of this weight will take almost double the amount of time and space needed to come to a complete stop.

Many small human errors can lead to more crashes

Commercial drivers are supposed to be properly trained and certified in order to legally drive a semi-truck.  These drivers, however, are human just like anyone else and can make mistakes when pushed too far.  According to a Truck Crash Causation Study by The FMCSA, there are several factors that can result in human error.

  • Twenty-seven percent of vehicles were found to have brake problems
  • Nineteen percent of motorists were unfamiliar with the course
  • 10 percent of truck chauffeurs really felt under pressure
  • Seven percent were overly tired
  • 3 percent experienced tire troubles
  • Five percent were driving in a hostile fashion
  • One percent were ill
  • 4 percent were intoxicated of unlawful substances
  • 3 percent had actually been consuming alcohol

Seek legal representation after an accident

If you or a loved one has been involved in a large truck accident you should speak with an attorney to learn your rights.  Contact the professionals at Gooch & Robson Injury Attorneys to speak with a representative and schedule a case review.

Jeffrey D. Gooch
Attorney at Law
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